Upcoming Charity aimed to support & surprise children and parents who have lost a loved one due to not receiving their gift - An Organ transplant.
On the 21st February 2014, I organised a wine and wisdom evening! It was a great success with just over £200 profit being raised for this charity! There were many new faces, which is such great reassurance knowing the word of organ donation & 'my butterfly family' is spreading!

Thank you to everyone who supported this event, looking forward to seeing you at the next fundraiser xxx




Many more transplants are required for people to survive, the above is only relevant for those requiring heart and lung transplants. This is the reason why I have set up 'My Butterfly Family', the above shows 24 children requiring transplants and 250 adults requiring organ transplants. Imagine how many of those adults have children which they may potentially leave behind if they are not fortunate enough to receive their organ transplant. 

If you are reading this, ask yourself: Am I signed up to the organ donor register? IF YES- do your relatives know your wishes? If NO, ask yourself why not?

While many are enjoying the Christmas holidays, please take time to consider those who are away from their families, who have to spend their Christmas in hospital, and for those who wish to make and see each and every day! You can help those requiring transplants to stay positive simply by signing up to the organ donor register! Let them know you are thinking of them and helping as much as you can!

To sign up to the organ donor register: https://www.organdonation.nhs.uk/how_to_become_a_donor/registration/consent.asp

Looking tthrough the E-petition website, I am amazed to see that many regarding organ donation haven't managed to receive the 100,000 signatures needed to be debated in the House of Commons. Well its about to change, I have started up an E-petition for 1 year which states that organ donation needs more coverage on TV and secondary schools. From the heart" a TV campaign managed a total close to 147,000 people signed to the donor register throughout the week of the campaign. Imagine the number of potential registered donors with regular TV promotion. As
for secondary schools, well through personal contact with the Department of Education, it became clear that awareness may be raised during PSHE lessons to which the school decided whether or not to discuss the topic. I personally went into a local school and performed a presentation the feedback I received was fantastic and many had questions and voiced concerns they had. Many pupils also reported that they will go home and discuss organ donation with their parents. I feel this was a huge success, and it is clear many young people have unanswered questions regarding organ donation which need to be answered.  

To sign the E-petition please click on the link: http://epetitions.direct.gov.uk/petitions/54567
Finally we have managed to order the very first memorial gift for a very special young lady. What a beautiful piece it is! 

A HUGE thank you to all who are supporting us and making this happen! 
Hello and welcome to My Butterfly Family, Thank you for taking the time to look around. Please if you have any questions, please don't hesitate to get in touch.

As you may or may not be aware, I have set up this charity in memory of my dear cousin Jason Wakerell who sadly passed away at the beginning of 2013 whilst waiting for a heart transplant. It has been such a difficult time accepting that he has passed, and what makes it harder is the fact he has left behind two amazing little boys. Through experience it became clear that there is very little support for children who have lost a parent this way, hence why I have started up this charity. I hope to help families in 3 ways, all contributing to the bereavement process.

For information regarding the original campaign, please visit the link below. My blog contains everything I have done to date and on going projects. Please, support this charity, tell as many people as you can about it and better still, if you know a child or parent who has lost a loved one due to transplantation, nominate the for a surprise from us.

LINK: http://givetoreceive2013.blogspot.co.uk/

Thank you
Kirsty Bylett


    This charity was founded by Kirsty Bylett, a paediatric nurse, who sadly lost her cousin on the 2/01/13 whilst he was waiting for a much needed heart transplant. Together, Kirsty and her cousin began a small campaign to raise awareness of the importance of organ donation and upon her cousins passing, Kirsty pledged to continue this campaign (GiveToReceive2013 - Jay's Campaign) and head towards bigger achievements. To date Kirsty has raised money in her cousins memory for the British Heart Foundation and Harefield Hopsital Transplant Unit. Now Kirsty is aiming for even bigger achievements, hence the founding of My Butterfly Family.

    For more information please visit: www.givetoreceive2013.blogspot.co.uk



My Butterfly Family